Donning the Flag
I can still recall vividly the very first time I held a floorball stick at our first training site, Cahaya Gemilang court, while being trained under the watchful eyes of my first floorball coach, Sarah Ng.
That was almost 2 years back.
Fast forward 2 years later.
Here I am, still holding a floorball stick and on top of that, had the privilege to put on the national jersey for the 2nd time.
I recently participated with a few others in the Asia Pacific Floorball Championship 2008, better known as APAC, in Perth, Australia.
Having been to last year's APAC in Singapore, I knew what I was getting myself into -
High-level competition, nothing compared to what we have been playing in Malaysia.
Nonetheless, I knew I wanted to go from the very beginning.
Let me explain.
Initially, what drew me to floorball was the idea and fascination of representing our country.
Being coached by a national player at my first ever training session, I was truly inspired.
After playing and fooling around with floorball for a couple of months, I felt I had a knack for the sport and decided to take it seriously.
I then set a goal for myself to get into the Penang state team first, then work my way into the national.
It wasn't much about the glory and the idea of winning medals.
I never really was driven by medals anyway.
I was driven more by the virtues behind a team.
I guess you can say that that is partially why I decided to stick around in Penang for a little longer.
APAC 2008 opened my eyes to several things.
Firstly, my own personal vision of floorball.
Like I said, initially, getting into the national team was a goal, a target set by me and for me to achieve.
But it was not a vision.
I do, however, share a common vision with my club of course.
That's more of a "corporate" vision.
On a more personal aspect of what I want to see floorball happening in Malaysia,
I was left standing clueless.
The simple fact is this;
We got whooped in Perth. Big time.
We just could not compete with other teams.
To put it simply, we were outclassed.
So, the question I asked myself now is,
"What now?"
I mean, yea, I have achieved my goal in representing our country.
But to what purpose? To what avail?
Was there any purpose in the first place?
I don't really know.
As I evaluated myself as a player and as a person, I knew that there must be something far greater, a vision or a mission that is driving me to the addiction of this sport.
I admit, it was embarrassing getting thrashed and painful to see people giving disappointing head shake all around the arena.
It was not a nice feeling being the underdog each time we stepped into the court.
People have asked me,
I pondered and hesitated to answer for a little while.
Recollection of what happened before, during and after APAC 2008 came flooding into my head.
I paused, smiled and answered,
In that brief hesitation, I recalled a friend who once told me;
I knew there and then,
what my vision was.
Posted on 12:57 by Minden UniHawks and filed under | 0 Comments ยป
That was almost 2 years back.
Fast forward 2 years later.
Here I am, still holding a floorball stick and on top of that, had the privilege to put on the national jersey for the 2nd time.
I recently participated with a few others in the Asia Pacific Floorball Championship 2008, better known as APAC, in Perth, Australia.
Having been to last year's APAC in Singapore, I knew what I was getting myself into -
High-level competition, nothing compared to what we have been playing in Malaysia.
Nonetheless, I knew I wanted to go from the very beginning.
Let me explain.
Initially, what drew me to floorball was the idea and fascination of representing our country.
Being coached by a national player at my first ever training session, I was truly inspired.
After playing and fooling around with floorball for a couple of months, I felt I had a knack for the sport and decided to take it seriously.
I then set a goal for myself to get into the Penang state team first, then work my way into the national.
It wasn't much about the glory and the idea of winning medals.
I never really was driven by medals anyway.
I was driven more by the virtues behind a team.
I guess you can say that that is partially why I decided to stick around in Penang for a little longer.
APAC 2008 opened my eyes to several things.
Firstly, my own personal vision of floorball.
Like I said, initially, getting into the national team was a goal, a target set by me and for me to achieve.
But it was not a vision.
I do, however, share a common vision with my club of course.
That's more of a "corporate" vision.
On a more personal aspect of what I want to see floorball happening in Malaysia,
I was left standing clueless.
The simple fact is this;
We got whooped in Perth. Big time.
We just could not compete with other teams.
To put it simply, we were outclassed.
So, the question I asked myself now is,
"What now?"
I mean, yea, I have achieved my goal in representing our country.
But to what purpose? To what avail?
Was there any purpose in the first place?
I don't really know.
As I evaluated myself as a player and as a person, I knew that there must be something far greater, a vision or a mission that is driving me to the addiction of this sport.
I admit, it was embarrassing getting thrashed and painful to see people giving disappointing head shake all around the arena.
It was not a nice feeling being the underdog each time we stepped into the court.
People have asked me,
"Would you go to APAC again if you knew the outcome was going to be like this?"
I pondered and hesitated to answer for a little while.
Recollection of what happened before, during and after APAC 2008 came flooding into my head.
I paused, smiled and answered,
"Yes, I would."
In that brief hesitation, I recalled a friend who once told me;
"Despite all that - the thrashing, the criticism, the disappointment -
remember this one thing,
'Let nothing move you'."
remember this one thing,
'Let nothing move you'."
I knew there and then,
what my vision was.
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