Z'Liners-PFA Floorball Challenge 2008

There will be a tournament coming up soon so guys & gals, lets try get as much people as we can to join =)

Z'Liners-PFA Floorball Challenge 2008

Date: 13th September 2008, Saturday
Venue: Dalat International School (Indoor Hall)
Estimated Time: 12.00 pm - 6.00 pm

[Open] - Men & Women
Date: 20th September 2008, Saturday
Venue: Dalat International School (Indoor Hall)
Estimated Time: 8.30 am - 5.00 pm

  • Woman players can play in both categories.
  • RM 70 per team.
  • Minimum 5 and maximum 7 players in a team (goalkeeper included).
  • 4v4 challenge with a goalkeeper on each side.
  • Please inform Wai Wai (for the alumni) and Gary (for the USM students) by 5th September 2008, if you are interested. Please specify, if you want to play in both categories (only applies to the women).
Posted on 20:20 by Minden UniHawks and filed under | 0 Comments ยป