More to come!

With the closing of Penang League 2008 last Saturday night, it seems like the whole floorball craze has cooled down after a long and intense 6 weeks of total floorball mania.
Moreover with the announcement that the usual Tuesdays and Saturdays training at Dalat International School will be off until the 26th, what else is in store for us??

No more floorball for another 2 weeks??? Can die lar....

Fret not!

The UniHawks will be having a friendly match against Silver team of Division two, Ztec 8cers this Sunday afternoon 2pm.
The venue is yet to be confirm.

The significance of this match will see the official opening of the Minden UniHawks/USM alumni floorball team. (Finally, there's a place for all the old folks of USM!) ;)

Not forgetting, YouthWave 2008 is just around the corner. In fact, it's just 10 days away!
The 'wave' of excitement is heatin' up!

For us, the UniHawks, it will be our second time round participating in this tournament.
Last year's experience was simply awesome.
How many teams will the Hawks be sending this time around?

2 from the men's team & 2 from the women's team.

Our goal?

To spring as many surprises as possible ;)
But for now... the focus is on the friendly this Sunday.

The UniHawks
Ztec 8cers

Posted on 15:35 by Minden UniHawks and filed under | 0 Comments »