The Courageous 15 beaten by the Brave 300

The war has ended.

15 courageous players stood with their heads up high having yet faced with another defeat against the brave 300.

A rather painful defeat because we were fighting for our first win or at least, get a draw out of it.
It just didn't happened for us.

The game was by far one of the most tiring game for us. The Spartans definitely have speedy runners along with good stamina too. Nonetheless, I believe we as a team, gave our best.
Although there were several mistakes and lost of focus on our part, I'm proud of the team spirit and morale that we have put in to support one another.

In the first period, we played rather good floorball. We managed to move the ball around rather than just hit-and-run. Our defence however, were caught off guard and ball watching several times. That led to the Spartans taking the lead, 2-0. We managed to keep our heads cool and even pulled a goal back before the first period ended, 2-1.

In the second period however, we couldn't regain the composure that we had in the first period. Although we had several goalmouth chances, we just couldn't get the right finishing to kill it off. Many times the ball just whisk passed the goalmouth with no one able to tap the ball in. Moreover, we didn't play the ball around as much as compared to the first period. We were lacking in movement and most of the time we just hit-and-run. Our eagerness to score and lack of patience cost us big time. When Frontliners scored their third goal, we lost our focus. That brought disastrous consequences on our team and eventually they took the game into their hands as we conceded another 3 goals.

Final score: 6-2

Being a UniHawk'er, I must admit that it's painful to lose 3 games in a row. It's painful because we enter the court, giving our 110% and yet, we can't seem to achieve what we hope to achieve at the end of the game. Having said all that, what's keeping me motivated is that I believe in my team. I believe that it is a good team with good players and with good team play and good team morale. Although we may not find our "niche" just yet, I believe we can only progress and not digress.

UniHawks for life,
Chris -14-
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