Howdy' peeps!

Those who went for the YouthWave Competition would know how well both our USM BOYS & GIRLS Team fare...
You people did really (& I mean REALLY) GREAT!
The girls, although it was their first time for them, played well overall.
I can very well say the same for the boys team!
Both team performed 110%.
I didn't play, so I saw both team played on the pitch.
And apparently, during the prize giving session last Sunday, Pastor Edward actually praised the USM Minden Underdawgs for our performance though' we didn't moved onto the quarter finals!
It's great guys!
Personally, I thought it was an awesome start for our floorball club!

Ok, now another reminder:
This Thursday, we'll be having an unofficial training session at
5pm, Bakti Permai.
Please try and come (ON TIME) although it's only an unofficial training ya'?
It'd be great if we can train for the last time this semester!
C' y'all!!
Posted on 20:14 by Minden UniHawks and filed under | 1 Comments »


Andrew said... @ 30 April 2007 at 16:39

Good job guys! You guys were great. It was very unfortunate that USM Team didn't qualify (goal diff). I am sure the next tournament, Minden Under dawgs Will RULE the championship!!! All the best!