Last week's training was awesome.
There's definitely been loads of improvement and still,
there's much to work on!
Keep in up people!

Anyway, the highlight was still the very GOOD NEWS
concerning the future of our club.
The Officer in-charge of sports in USM has shown positive feedback last week.
Even better news is that we have the green light to send in proposal for a proper
training ground for us instead of going to Bakti Permai's Basketball Court and
disturb those basketballers.
So, let's just keep this club going by attending training every week with enthusiasm!
You've guys been doing a great job so far!

Training this week is on as usual:
Place: Bakti Permai Basketball Court
Time: 5pm-7pm (PLEASE BE PUNCTUAL)
Day: Thursday

And concerning about the Floorball Competition on the 21st April,
we will update you people during training this Thursday ya'?
Til' then... take care!
Posted on 02:27 by Minden UniHawks and filed under | 0 Comments »