
Hey people!

Recently, a few of us floorballers' had a short trip down south to KL for a floorball competition!
It was held in Universiti Malaya.
Yup, U.M have their own established floorball club together with facilities.
Fret not people!
We are working our way towards that same goal! =)
Anyway, we didn't win no trophy nor medals.
However, it was a good time of fun, fellowship and exposure for most of us.
And don't worry, we didn't do all that bad either!
We can't since we were representing PENANG! hehe...
In fact, we won 2 games out of 5!
Not too bad for a bunch of amateurs huh? =)
Ok ok,I shan't say much but let the photos we took during our short trip do the talking!

Venue: Universiti Malaya, K.L.

The Court.

It was a 3 on 3. Check out the goal post. It's tiny!!

Merv' and Justin in action.

Chris looks distressed surrounded by "pros'.

Some other really good teams in action!

In the end, although we didn't win anything, it was all good!
Posted on 02:57 by Minden UniHawks and filed under | 0 Comments »