Recapturing the Vision

As training is gradually picking up its pace, the number of players are slowly multiplying as well.
Being present at the training session for the first time since the semester re-opened (and this time not as a student but rather as an outsider looking in), I had mixed feelings.
Peaceful yet... Weird.

Yes, peaceful.

Being the first few batch of players when this club first started off, it was really relieving to know and to see that this club is still blooming.
More importantly so, to know that it is moving towards the direction we envisioned it to be.
Having said that, it felt rather odd though - being an outsider this time around.
Being there at the training but yet not quite there.

Wai Wai, our Team Manager highlighted three important aspects, or should I say three important core values in which our club will be moulding our players to be;
  • Character
  • Competence
  • Commitment
Well, it's self-explanatory.
Three simple words but yet difficult actions to execute consistently.

As I stood there at the all-too-familiar-basketball court in my working attire and seeing the juniors training their hearts out, they reminded me of a greater purpose beyond that of the game itself.
In them, I saw the Vision that drove me to this passion.

So long as Underdawgs are growing, the vision will be realised...
Sooner or later...
It will.

Written by,
Christopher Koh
Posted on 23:22 by Minden UniHawks and filed under | 0 Comments ยป