Youth Wave!

Hey guys!

So sorry I haven't been updating our blog...
Been busy with preparation for exams! (yeeeea riiiite)...
Anyhow, this Saturday will be crunch time for some of us!
The Penang Youth Wave Floorball Competition is finally just round this weekend...
For those who are playing, all the best!
Have fun & remember, it's not all about winning!
It's the experience that counts...
"Make every experience an education!"
For those who aren't playing (like myself), no worries -
Your role now is to support our players!
Cheer for them and give them some moral support! ;)

Ok... Aside from the competition,
training will resume as usual this Thursday, 19th April 2007.
Same place, same time (Be on time people!).
I'll see you all this Thursday then!
Keep up the spirit in floorball!

Posted on 03:35 by Minden UniHawks and filed under | 0 Comments »