Key Points!

Fellow Floorball'ians!
I thought it would be great to highlight some key points about our game during our training yesterday. Do add on if there's any other key points that you think we should know ya'?
Feel free to comment as well!
After all, we are here to learn.. =)


I think those who were in my team got it nicely lar... haha ;p
Personally, I felt most of us weren't communicating enough during the game.
Maybe some of you were scared to call for the ball or maybe shy,
but like it or not, communication is highly essential.

And since we don't know each other well enough yet, naturally we are not accustomed to each others style of playing.
Therefore, we need to call for the ball.
Don't expect people to pass to you if you don't shout for the ball.
Make your presence felt people! =)

(2.) Learn to PASS BACK
When I first started playing football,
my mentality was only about attacking.
Defend buat ape...
But that's wrong people.

We have to learn to pass back.

What we tend to do is to get the ball and ambush the goal straight away.
So next week when you receive the ball, don't push yourself up all the way to the goal without any support behind you.
You'll just tire yourself out and possession will be lost.
Learn to keep possession.
Slowly push up together.
And learn to pass the ball around more as well.
This is where communication plays the crucial part.
So, you see, without communication you can't pass the ball around and without passing the ball around, you go no where!

Learn to be aware of your surroundings -
who's beside you, who's behind you, who's running in front of you and so on...

If you're not aware of your surrounding, you'll find yourself more often than not, keeping the ball too long to yourself.
So remember, before you receive the ball, be aware of who's standing where, so that the moment you receive the ball you would know where to pass and where NOT to pass.
From what I observe, most of us panic when we receive the ball because we don't know what to do with it next!
So the next time you play, keep your eyes open and be aware even when you do not have the ball, keep your eyes open!!

Learn to open yourself up.
In other words, learn to run around on the court to find an empty spot for your team mates to pass.
Don't stand in an angle where a defender is able to intercept your team mates pass.

For instance, when a defender receives the ball, another player must support him by standing either in line with him, or behind him.
This would then give the defender the option to pass the ball around instead of holding it and having risk to lose the ball to the opponent.
Don't crowd around your own players.
Again, be AWARE!
Posted on 04:06 by Minden UniHawks and filed under | 0 Comments ยป